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Ciro Script
07 de nov. de 2024
In League of Legends
O valor é 300dolares mensais? Sim, podemos negociar um pequeno desconto a partir do segundo mês Valor em reais: Clique aqui! É um script ou um bypass? Ambos, o principal é o bypass emulando o vanguard, mas existe um script em conjunto, mas caso não goste dele (o script) pode usar qualquer um de sua preferencia. Posso pausar a chave? Sim, temos acesso a pausar o tempo da key Quais metodos de pagamento? Somente crypto. Se não souber como usar crypto eu te ensino. O script funciona para todos campeões, tem evade? Não, somente os principais, não existe uma lista. Contém evade, visuals, awareness entre outros... O bypass remove hwidban? Sim, como o vanguard é emulado/falsificado, ele não consegue identificar que o computador estava banido Quais requisitos? Não existe, ele funciona em QUALQUER computador. Quanto tempo está safe? Desde o lançamento em agosto! Como posso confiar em você? Antes, você pode confirmar tudo que irei dizer na página de feedback, consultado links do face, contador de visitas, discord etc.. 1- Estou na ativa desde 2016 2- Meu site tem navegação ativa desde 2016 e continua assim até hoje 3- O facebook da pagina foi criado desde 2016 e tem feedbacks antigos de pessoas reais 4- No discord tem 2 canais um de provas e outro de feedback, o feedback é feito por reações até as negativas estão la! 5- Uso meu whatsapp pessoal na pagina Como posso confiar no desenvolvedor? Eu trabalho com um parceiro de programação dele por mais de 5 anos, vendo produtos do parceiro dele até hoje para vários jogos e conheço a indole do mesmo, então para esse parceiro ter indicado ele é porque o cara é muito bom, até melhor do que ele. Como comprar? Fale comigo pelo discord: Imagem com desfoque para não vazar informações, porém contém feedback do nosso primeiro cliente, partes demonstrando como é o tutorial e imagem do painel com informações da assinatura e de ações que eu posso fazer como administrador. Como comprar? Fale comigo pelo discord:
Private Lol Script FAQ content media
Ciro Script
30 de set. de 2024
In Tutoriais Cheats
This tutorial is for SHACK product: Prerequisites • You should be logged into the game and positioned in an area with monsters you wish to farm. • Your character should have skills and abilities set up for combat. Enabling the Autofarm Feature 1. Enable Autofarm: • Locate the “ENABLE” option in the software’s interface. • Click on the “ENABLE” checkbox or toggle to activate the autofarm feature. Setting Up Your Position and Radius 1. Position Your Character: Move your character to the central point of the area where you wish to farm. 2. Save Current Position: • In the autofarm interface, find the “SAVE CURRENT POSITION” button. • Click this button to set your current location as the center of the farming area. • Note: This step is crucial as it defines the boundaries within which your character will operate. 3. Set the Boundary Radius: • Adjust the “BOUNDARY RADIUS” setting to define how far from the saved position your character will consider targets. • This radius creates a circular farming area around your saved position. Configuring Skill Slots and Key Bindings 1. Set Up Skill Slots: • In the autofarm settings, locate the “SKILLS SLOTS” section. • Assign the skills you want your character to use during combat. • Ensure that the skills correspond to your in-game skill bar slots. 2. Verify Key Bindings: • Confirm that your in-game key bindings match those set in the autofarm software. • By default, skills are usually bound to keys 1-5, and auto-attack might be set to E. • If you have customized your key bindings in-game, update them in the autofarm settings accordingly. Adjusting Farming and Attack Radius 1. Set the Farming Radius: • Find the “FARM LOCATION RADIUS” or “BOUNDARY RADIUS” setting. • Adjust it to cover the area where monsters spawn. 2. Set the Attack Range: • Locate the “ATTACK RANGE” setting. • Set this to match your character’s attack range (e.g., bow range for archers). • Tip: Setting the attack range equal to your farming radius ensures your character can reach all targets within the area. Enabling ESP and Refreshing Nearby Monsters 1. Enable ESP: • Find the “ENABLE ESP” option in the settings. • Enable it for NPCs and Monsters. This allows the software to detect nearby creatures. 2. Refresh Nearby Monsters: • Click on the “REFRESH NEARBY MONSTER” button. • This updates the list of monsters within your farming radius. Managing the Monster Target List 1. View Nearby Monsters: • After refreshing, check the “NEARBY MONSTER LIST” to see detected monsters. 2. Add Monsters to Target List: • Select the monsters you wish to farm from the nearby list. • Add them to the “TARGET MONSTER LIST”. • Alternatively, enable “ATTACK ONLY LISTED MONSTERS” to focus on specific targets. Ensuring Your Character Moves to Attack 1. Enable Auto-Movement in Game Settings: • In the game’s settings, enable “Auto-Move to Attack”. • Also, enable “Auto-Move to Use Skills”. • These settings allow your character to move automatically to reach targets. 2. Verify Movement Settings in Autofarm: • Ensure that the autofarm software doesn’t have settings that prevent movement. • There might be options like “STOP WHEN LOW HP” or “STOP WHEN LOW MANA” that could halt movement if thresholds are met. 3. Test the Setup: • Observe your character to see if they move toward and attack targets within the farming radius. • If your character stands still and reports “Out of range of target”, double-check the attack range and auto-movement settings. Additional Combat Settings 1. Health and Mana Thresholds: • Set “HEALTH THRESHOLD” and “MANA THRESHOLD” to values that suit your needs. • Enable “STOP WHEN LOW HP” and “STOP WHEN LOW MANA” if you want your character to cease attacking under these conditions. 2. Attack Type: • Choose between “SKILLS” or “NORMAL” attacks in the “ATTACK TYPE” setting. • Ensure your skill slots are properly configured if using skills. 3. Auto-Detect Cooldown: • Enable “AUTO DETECT COOLDOWN” to let the software manage skill cooldowns automatically. 4. Auto-Select New Monster: • Configure “AUTO SELECT NEW MONSTER” based on criteria like Health, Distance, Creature Type, Rank, Visibility, and Attack Range. • This helps the software pick the optimal next target.
Ciro Script
01 de ago. de 2024
In Tutoriais Cheats
Esse topico não é para um cheat especifico, darei um tutorial COMPLETO com detalhes de tudo que aprendi ao longo dos anos, alguma coisa pode ajudar. Algumas coisas aqui podem não ter necessidade para alguns ou ser o contrario para outros, por exemplo, alguns precisam da virtualização ON outros precisam dela OFF, então se atentem aos detalhes referente a seu cheat e claro, tente fazer com esse tipo de função ligada e também desligada, não custa nada. Download essenciais: Esses dois são necessário para TODOS cheats disponiveis no meu site ou na internet! Download Visual c++ -> Download - Imagem Download Directx -> Download Download Pack completo directx/visual etc: Download Windows 22h2 -> Download - Versão que tudo funciona Programa de suporte -> Download(123) - Use-o vai ajudar a verificar o que pode está atrapalhando Desative todas proteções -> Download(123) - Não use antes de tentar fazer o tutorial, pois vai forçar e desativar MUITA coisa, se for usar, execute como admin Proteções desligadas, conflito com programas, windows config: Aqui falarei de TUDO que conheço que pode atrapalhar alguns cheats. 1- Defender, desative o completamente com essa ferramenta: Download click aqui (senha 123)! 2- Secure boot, desative entrando na bios (e no regedit), geralmente apertando END ao iniciar o computador ou indo no windows e "alterar opções avançadas de inicialização - Video". Use o google para achar um tutorial no youtube referente a sua placa mae, Video. 3- Virtualization (no windows: Hyperv | na intel: VT-X / na amd: SVM ), em alguns programas é necessario isso ligado, em outros off, tente os dois, a virtualização também fica na bios, faça como no exemplo a cima do secure boot ou em alguns casos pelo proprio windows como no proximo passo abaixo 4- HyperV e Maquina virtual em alguns casos precisa estar desligada em outros ligada, teste as duas opções - Imagem 5- Exploit protection (ou no cmd: bcdedit -set DEBUG OFF), CFG e outros, coloque tudo nessa aba OFF - Imagem 6- Smart Screen desative - Imagem 7- Core Isolation, desative isso também - Imagem 8- Controle de conta do usuario (UAC) desative isso - Imagem 9- Vanguard (vgk.sys), Faceit (faceit.sys) e outros anticheats, se seu jogo não utiliza um desses, remova esses programas! 10- Windows original - A maioria dos cheats não funciona em windows modificado mas talvez com o tutorial a baixo funcione, TURNING OFF EXPLOIT PROTECTIONS VIA POWERSHELL (WORKS IN MODDED WINDOWS) Put the file in Disc C:/ - run powershell as administrator, and type: Set-ProcessMitigation -PolicyFilePath C:\Settings.xml após reinicie o computador (download do settings.xml) - (ou tente no cmd: bcdedit -set DEBUG OFF) 11- Versão do windows (windows -> winver -> enter) - Verifique no site a versão do windows que seu cheat funciona, se for uma versão atual, pergunte ao Ciro pois talvez o site esteja desatualizado. 12- Modo UEFI na bios - pesquise no youtube como fazer na sua placa - Imagem - Exemplo 13- - Vulnerable Driver Block List, desative-o no windows 11 (regedit.exe): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceGuard\Scenarios\HypervisorEnforcedCodeIntegrity, set Enabled to 0; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CI\Config, set VulnerableDriverBlocklistEnable to 0 and reboot PC. 14- Programas em geral, lista: warsaw (antivirus de banco), riva tunner, MSI afterbunner (RTCore64.sys), reshade, IDA, cheat engine, process hack, virtual machine, debugger, wallpapper engine, anydesk, teamviewer, windbg Alguns locais para procurar (nao copie e cole, a localização varia pra cada computador)C:\Program Files ?x86?\IDAC:\Program Files\IDA Freeware 8.4\ida64.exe C:\Program Files ?x86?\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\arm\windbg.exe C:\Program Files ?x86?\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\arm64\windbg.exe C:\Program Files ?x86?\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\windbg.exe C:\Program Files ?x86?\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x86\windbg.exeC:\Program Files\VMProtect Demo\VMProtect.exe C:\Users\XXXX\Desktop\Programas\spacesniffer_1_3_0_2 C:\Users\XXXX\Desktop\Desktop\projects\C??\cheats\chams i.e\Valorant-External\x64\Release\kdmapper.exe C:\Users\XXXX\Desktop\Desktop\projects\C??\cheats\pretoESP\includes\kdmapper\x64\Release\kdmapper.exe C:\Users\XXXX\Desktop\Desktop\projects\C??\cheats\test\kdmapper.exe C:\Users\XXXX\Desktop\Desktop\projects\C??\kernel\kdmapper\x64\Release\kdmapper.exeD:\?Recycle.Bin\S-1-5-21-374003715-3975293235-391002671-1001\?RX1CM27\WindowsKernelExplorer.exe 15- Alguns jogos só funcionam em Directx 11, não é instalar o directx e sim fazer com que o jogo use ele, alguns jogos na steam por exemplo precisam ser forçados na propriedade em inicialização de jogos - Exemplo 16- Plataforma de jogos, alguns jogos foram criados para funcionar somente em uma plataforma especifica, exemplo, steam, gamepass, ubisoft, game launch, verifique no site ou pergunte ao Ciro 17- Overlays / Sobreposição, vários programas tem seu proprio overlay para injetar no jogo, outros usam de outros programas, por tanto é valido testar com tudo off e depois com algum on, por tanto desligue o overlay da steam, discord, nvidia, amd, overwolf e qualquer outro programa que sobreponha o jogo. O crooked usa overlay proprio, scripts de lol também, alguns cheats da shack usam o overlay da steam e overwolf, o btg usa overwolf e assim por diante, é necessario testar ou pergunte ao Ciro. 18- VPN, alguns servidores do cheat tem problema com o ip do brasil, também é valido tentar usar um vpn em caso de não conexão com o servidor, problema de login, problema de reconhecimento de key entre outros. Mas alguns também proibem o uso desses programas. 19- Disk GPT, alguns cheats só funcionam com o disco em GPT, clique para saber em qual você esta, caso você esteja em MBR, siga esse tutorial para converter: Tutorial convert para GPT 20- Hora do windows, sim parece que não mas a hora e data precisam esta atualizada, va na configuração do windows e desative e depois ative a atualização automatica da hora e data. 21- Modo de video, a maioria dos cheats só funcionam em janela, por tanto, coloque primeiro o jogo em janele e se funcionar depois você tenta alterar para o modo que preferir. No caso do crooked tem um tutorial para isso, clique aqui 22- SuperFetch & SysMain - dificilmente é necessario, mas vale a tentativa (windows - services.msc - procure e desative) 23- Desligue o xbox gamebar em alguns casos, google. 24- Execute tudo como administrador, incluindo a plataforma (steam/ubisoft..), o cheat e os jogos (vá até a raiz do jogo (exemplo), mesmo que ele esteja na steam, encontre-o e na propriedade coloque para ser executado como admin). 25- Diretorio do jogo, certifique-se que o jogo está instalado no disco principal C:/ e que só exista uma instalação no computador. 26- Coloque a resolução do jogo igual ao do desktop, isso pode solucionar erro de ESP em posições diferente 27- Reinstale o net framework 4.0 e coloque a versão antiga 3.5 ou vice-versa 28- Alguns anticheats detectam os cheats pelo nome comum do launch, sempre altere para algum outro nome de programas comuns Possivel solução tela azul / Bsod Abra o CMD como admin e escreva: sfc /scannow depois: dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth ao finalizar reinicia o computador, se não funciona formate o computador colocando a versão indicada no inicio desse tópico: Windows 22h2 -> Download - Versão que tudo funciona Sobreposição / Overlay: Alguns cheats usam overlay proprio, outros usam de algum programa de terceiro, alguns exemplos para tentarem: Shack - Proprio, outros steam (se o jogo não for steam, adicione ele na no-steam library), overwolf Crooked - Proprio se for em janela outras opções com tutorial: overwolf, xbox gamebar, skype, nvidia experience e mais Wave - Proprio ou steam overlay Ring - Proprio Overwolf tutorial (para alguns cheats): Usem o overlay do programa overwolf, tipo o overlay do discord que fica por cima dos jogos e então o cheat vai usar a sobreposição do overwolf e inclusive vai para de aparecer em stream. Overwolf > Settings > Overlay > Open "Dayz" > Select "Dayz" in overlay > Close "dayz" > Reinject SE NADA DER CERTO, PROVAVELMENTE O CHEAT ESTÁ EM ATUALIZAÇÃO OU VOCÊ PRECISA FORMATAR.
Ciro Script
19 de dez. de 2023
In Tutoriais Cheats
Method 1 (xbox bar): • works if you have the xbox bar updated and have the ability to pin) Reference link: 1. Inject according to the instructions; 2. We start the game in full screen; 3. Open the xbox panel (Win + G), and fix one of the mini-applications, for example "performance", make it completely transparent, only the percentage of occupied memory remains visible. Method 2 (windows talk): 1. we inject according to the instructions, 2. starting the game in full screen 3. Click Win+ H and play ( to show the menu, press Win+ H ) Method 3 (skype): 1. - Launch the game (in windowed mode); 2. - Launch skype; 3. - Enable screen display on skype, (screen sharing); 4. - In the game, enable the mode (in the window to full screen); 5. - Disable screen display; Method 4 (windows conferences): • Windows -> Conferences -> Screen Demonstration Method 5 (nvidia experience): 1. Nvidia Experience -> Screen Recording (With Desktop protection disabled) Method 6 (overwolf) : HOW TO PLAY FULLSCREEN/FULLSCREEN BORDERLESS VIA OVERWOLF. You need to download a program called "Overwolf" ( once directed to this link you need to download the following software, click on "DOWNLOAD OVERWOLF" at the top right of the screen. 1) Inject according to the instructions, as usual.  2) Make sure Overwolf is running.  3) Go into the settings in Overwolf 4) Direct yourself to "Overlays & Hotkeys" and make sure the overlay is ENABLED for whatever game you're playing (Some games such as BF2042, aren't added too there list) so therefore the fullscreen/fullscreen borderless may not work then.  5) Launch the game, and then you can go from Windowed mode too Fullscreen or Fullscreen borderless. 6) After you've enabled the overlay's.. you only need to RUN Overwolf everytime you launch the game or it won't make it go into fullscreen or fullscreen borderless I know for a fact this works for Modern Warfare / Warzone cause I've been currently in the mode of testing this method for about a week now and I haven't had any troubles.  WORKS FOR WARZONE 100% **Unfortunately, these methods do not work for everyone!!!
How to play Fullscreen / Change Overlay / Crooked content media
Ciro Script
26 de abr. de 2023
In Tutoriais Cheats
DO LOADERFIX I( ⁠loader BEFORE EVERYTHING! DO LOADERFIX I( ⁠loader BEFORE EVERYTHING! DO LOADERFIX I( ⁠loader BEFORE EVERYTHING! DO LOADERFIX I( ⁠loader BEFORE EVERYTHING! BEFORE SEND US A BUILD, MAKE SURE IF YOU ITS FOLLOWING THE CORRECT INJECTION ! MAKE SURE OPEN STEAM OR UBISOFT AS ADMIN MAKE SURE DON'T LAUNCH VIA VULKAN MAKE SURE SET THE GAME TO BORDERLESS Ever try make the test with ShowTeam enabled and in LoneWolf gamemode. TURNING OFF EXPLOIT PROTECTIONS VIA POWERSHELL (WORKS IN MODDED WINDOWS) put this config in C:\\ DOWNLOAD SETTINGS.XML( 1. run powershell as administrator, and type: 2. Set-ProcessMitigation -PolicyFilePath C:\Settings.xml AFTER EXECUTING OR SETTING THOSE SETTINGS, PLEASE RESTART THE COMPUTER IF THE ESP/AIM DON'T WORK DO THE STEPS BELOW: Go to appdata\Local\Ubisoft\r6siege (delete all folders and files) Go to %tmp% | Delete Ubisoft folder Open the game and wait auto-restart, so, in the lobby set your game to borderless and close the game. Re-inject opening Steam/Ubisoft as admin. NOTE: If continue with issue, close the game and upload the build from appdata\local\ubisoft\r6siege to us! NOTE 2: Make sure send us the build based on date, don't upload olds builds Build location 1. Press WINDOWS+R and type: appdata 2. Go to Local and delete Ubisoft folder 3. Open the game and wait for game restart 4. In game lobby go to Task Manager > Details > RainbowSix.exe > Right Click > Open File Location 5. Upload the RainbowSix.exe in google driver and set download via link! 6. Send to CiroScript Admin In Google Driver make sure have seted the download via link and not via permission! Second upload website:
Ciro Script
17 de fev. de 2023
In Tutoriais Cheats
SITE WITH WARZONE OPTIONS, aimbot, wallhack, unlock and more: « This tool remains online even while all other tools are offline. » Features: Auto-update: RUAVT is automatically updated after every game update, no need to wait, you can use it right away. Stability: RUAVT has 100% uptime, 24 hours/7 days a week. Ghosts: RUAVT works during all the game and shows all ghosts on the map and mini-radar, other people in the game cannot see your UAV. Streamproof: No, RUAVT is visible on stream and screen recording. Spoofers: Compatible with spoofers/cleaners (like infinity, ghostaim), but not compatible with patched Windows boot-loader (like from using artificialaiming (AA) spoofer). No injection into the game No cheat running process while you are playing The tool is currently used (as of 12.2022) on more than 100 000+ accounts. Custom Anti-Cheat Status: Undetected Version: Latest System: Windows: Windows 10 version from 1903 and newer, all stable Windows 11 builds including 22h2 are supported. Windows 11 Insider Preview Builds is not supported. Processors: Intel and AMD processors are both supported. Note: VDS/VPS/VM servers are not supported. Please Note: I highly recommend you to use a spoofer or cleaner (the software that resets all your PC's IDs to random values and the game client sees your PC as brand new when the game starts), even if you haven't had shadow or perm bans before, especially if you want to use RUT on multiple yours/someone else accounts - any working spoofer is guaranteed to reduce the chance of getting any random shadow bans (ping 350ms for 5-7 days) or perm banned. If one of your game accounts or PC at least once received a shadow or perm ban, then you MUST use a spoofer to avoid blocking your other accounts. Before running the tool: 1. REMOVE ALL ANTIVIRUSES FROM YOUR PC (AVG/Avast/malwarebytes/everything else, uninstall absolutely EVERYTHING), restart your PC, open Windows Defender and manually disable all sliders in Virus & threat protection Download Defender Control: Defender Control v2.1, unpack and run it, click “Disable Windows Defender”. The instruction is not a joke and if it says REMOVE ALL THIRD-PARTY ANTI-VIRUSES AND MANUALLY TURN OFF WINDOWS DEFENDER, then this is exactly what you need to do! 1. Download and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005-2008-2010-2012-2013-2019 Redistributable Package Hybrid: RUT VCR2020+ 2. Make sure your time, date and timezone is synced with the Windows servers. Control Panel > Clock and Region > Date and Time > Internet Time > Sync 3. Close any running game boosters. (Razer Game Booster, etc.) 4. Uninstall Riot Games’ “Vanguard” (This would likely be installed if you play Valorant) and Face-IT anticheats, press Win+R > type msconfig > Services tab > find and disable EasyAntiCheat, ESEA and BattlEye services > Apply > restart PC. Why do I need to disable my anti-virus to download/run the tool? Because the anti-virus classifies the tool as malicious, but rest assured, the tool does absolutely no harm to your system in any way shape or form. Process: Follow the prompts of the launcher, we’ve tried our best to make the tool as user-friendly as possible. 1. Download and unpack RUT v3 Launcher: RUT V3 loader 2. Open or Steam launcher and login, run RUT v3 launcher with admin rights. (Right mouse button click, run as administrator) 3. When prompted, paste (Ctrl+C > Ctrl+V) your key and press Enter. 4. The process of startup and virtualization take some time, so just wait until the launcher closes automatically, once that happens click the Play button on 5. F6 - turn on UAV in the match - press and hold for a few seconds 6. UAV will run until PC restart
Warzone 2 RADAR  content media
Ciro Script
10 de fev. de 2023
In Tutoriais Cheats
Alt-Tab Bypass: This feature allows you to alt-tab out of a game in SQUAD BATTLES mode without pausing the game. Simply activate it whenever you want to use it. Timed Finishing: This feature allows you to have only green timed shots when you double tap. Simply activate it whenever you want to use it. AI vs Opponent: This feature allows the AI to play for you in Ultimate Team mode. To activate it, go to the Ultimate Team menu and select it. Keep in mind that the difficulty of the AI will be based on the quality of your team and tactics. Assisted Through Pass: To activate this feature, start an online match, go to settings, controller settings, and activate it from the options menu. Then unpause the match and it will be activated. Keep in mind that you need to disable it after every match and repeat the process for each match you want to use it. This option will make your through passes assisted instead of semi-assisted. Legacy Defending: To activate this feature, start an online match, go to settings, controller settings, and activate it from the options menu. Then unpause the match and it will be activated. Keep in mind that you need to disable it after every match and repeat the process for each match you want to use it. This option will make your 2nd player press the opponent when you defend by holding the shoot button. A green triangle will also appear above your player's head. If you activate it at the wrong time, you may get disconnected before the match starts, so be careful. Freeze Ball: This feature can only be activated in SQUAD BATTLES mode. It will freeze the ball 15-20m in the air, so no players can touch it and you can go away from keyboard (AFK). 4 Minutes Half SB: This feature can only be activated in SQUAD BATTLES mode. It will make the match end in 8 minutes instead of 12 minutes. Keep in mind that sometimes the EA servers may not process your request and you may be kicked out of the UT, but your account will not be at risk. 5 Stars Weakfoot/Skillmoves: This feature can be activated in the ULTIMATE TEAM MENU. It will make all your players have 5 stars weak foot and skill moves. Full Traits: This feature can be activated in the ULTIMATE TEAM MENU. It will make all your players have all possible traits (e.g. Outside foot shoot). Full Chemistry: This feature can be activated in the ULTIMATE TEAM MENU. It will make all your players have the same flag, resulting in full chemistry. Skip Pack Animation: This feature can be enabled in the ULTIMATE TEAM MENU. It will allow you to skip the pack animation. High Attacking/Defending Workrates: This feature can be enabled in the ULTIMATE TEAM MENU. It will make all your players have high/high workrates, which means they will be all over the pitch, but it will also make you more exposed on defence if you're not careful. The Division SPOOFER feature allows players to choose any division in Ultimate Team. By spoofing to a lower division, elite players will no longer play against other elite players, but instead, will compete against players in that lower division to grind wins. It's important to note that if a player wins a match and is not in an elite division, it will still count towards promotion to a higher division. Additionally, elite players will not gain elite points, but they will gain wins for weekly rewards or objectives. The Kick OPPONENT: feature enables players to kick their opponent during a match. It is recommended to only use this feature in WL matches and not in rivals or draft. If a player is winning and chooses to kick their opponent, the match will be canceled, and the player will receive a win. However, if the player is losing, the match will be canceled and no win will be awarded. The Teleport IT: feature allows players to choose the side they want to score on after a match has started. To use this feature, players should click on Teleport IT and keep the DC remote player and RESTORE IT options activated at all times. This feature can only be used in WL/FRIENDLIES matches and not in rivals or draft. The Always Win: feature can be activated in the ULTIMATE TEAM MENU. This feature automatically teleports the ball to the player's side during a match, however, it may not work for all players. The 99 stats PRO CLUBS/SEASONS: feature allows players to have 99 stats in SEASONS MODE. However, in pro clubs, players need to be the captain to have 99 stats. It's important to note that this feature only works in ULTIMATE TEAM MODE, and players may get kicked if they use it against PC players. The Unlimited Pro Clubs Skill Points: feature can be activated in pro clubs mode, and players' points will not drop when they spend points on their skill tree. The 5WEAK FOOT/SKILL MOVES SEASON: feature can be activated in seasons mode, and all players will have 5 stars weak foot and skill moves in this mode.
Ciro Script
28 de out. de 2022
In Tutoriais Cheats
0. Put game in windowed mode 1. Disable Real Time Protection 2. Disable Firewall 3. Disable Reputation Based Protection 4. Disable Security Boot Time to start up the web loader. Go to our web loader. Grab your key you received from your inbox, and paste part to the loader box. If you want to spoof, choose the spoofer you want to spoof with, and hit authenticate. Once you authenticate hit Launch! to download the loader. To decide which spoofer to choose you need to know your game's Anti-Cheat. We'll leave couple of examples for you below. (Note: Use NO SPOOFER for FIFA23 as using a spoofer will lock you out of your EA account for 24 hours.) Some BE Games: Some EAC Games: -EFT -Rust -DayZ -Apex Learn more about our web loader. It is important to note down couple of key points when it comes to our web loader. Once you hit Launch! you will see the download that will appear on your PC. From that point onwards, you will have 3 minutes to launch your loader or you will get a prompt which will display "Loader Expired, Download a New Copy." - if you get this prompt, do NOT panic! Our loader generates temporary loaders every time a gamer wants to inject. In other words, every time you want to inject our cheats, you will have to use our web loader to grab a new copy. If your loader expires, as mentioned above, simply go back to our web loader for a new copy. Lastly, do NOT try using the same loader twice for injection. Launch! -> Show in Folder -> Run As Admin -> Wait for the injection to complete, and close the loader.
Atlas products content media
Ciro Script
09 de ago. de 2022
In League of Legends
Sabe quando falamos que um ator precisa seguir um script feito pelo dono do filme? É exatamente o que acontece em um script de league of legends, o dono do filme é o programador e o ator é o produto em si. Basicamente ele escreve para que as ações dos seus inimigos ja tenham reposta pronta, afinal, embora o jogo tenha infinitas possibilidades, muitas coisas são repetitivas. Vamos a alguns exemplos: Desviar / Evade: No league of legends nós temos 2 tipos de skills básicas, as retas e as circulares. Então para desviar de uma skill andando para o lado você só precisa conhecer a skill e traçar o caminho dela, e como eu disse, as skills são repetitivas, então quando o campeão inicia a animação o sistema do script ja reconhece qual skill será usada e então traça uma linha para que o script saia de dentro daquela area. Caitar / Kiting: Aqui temos algo muito básico, que só precisa de alguns cliques e você conseguirá andar e bater, se só tem algumas funções simples para se fazer isso, o script consegue tirar de letra com quase 100% de acerto. Ele basicamente clica na direção de onde está seu mouse e depois clica no campeão, como o script é uma inteligência computacional ele se adequa ao seu level, velocidade de ataque etc tudo de forma automática, fazendo com que você tenha o kiting perfeito Prediction / Prever / Uso de skillshot: Aqui é um pouco mais complicado, mas não impossivel, o script não prever o futuro, então ele não descobre onde você vai ir para que consiga acerta uma skillshot (skill que não é teleguiada), mas com a ajuda de uma inteligência artificial tudo pode ser feito. Como funciona: basicamente ele verifica para o lado que seu oponente está virado e calcula a velocidade do mesmo, assim ele direciona a skill onde seria seu próximo passo. Como o humano é imprevisível e pode mudar a direção rapidamente, isso pode ocasionar o erro do script em acertar as skillshot Exploit / Abuso de bug: Como o titulo ja diz, exploits são abuso de bug do jogo, ja existiram vários desses exploits e você nem se quer precisa usar um script para faze-los funcionar, mas como eu disse, os scripts seguem um script, então se ta escrito la para ele fazer X coisa que você conseguiria fazer na mão, ele fará muito melhor, porque é uma maquina executando o que você faria na mão com chances de erro. Exemplo: A muito tempo atrás existia o exploit do rei destruido, basicamente você conseguia usar ele sem colldown nenhum e infinitas vezes, aparentemente existia um timing certo para resetar ele e então usar de novo, imagine você tentando contar mentalmente o timing enquanto um computador consegue fazer isso com a maior facilidade do mundo... Outro exploit que existe até hoje é do Sion, ele consegue andar por toda jungle, virar 360º. Aparentemente quando os clicks são muito rapido ele faz isso, então imagine a maquina clicando milhares de vezes em um só segundo. Outros que existem ou ja existiram: Jhin, bug do critico, Tahm Kench, comer qualquer pessoa do mapa sendo aliado, Kha zix, andar invisivel no mapa. Zoom hack / Skin Hack: Essas são duas funções que não se trata de "script" em si, mas sim de um hack. Vamos ao zoom, o jogo ja te permite te dar zoom out e zoom in a diferença é que ele limita o seu zoom out, basicamente o que o script faz é alterar esse zoom na memoria do jogo. digamos que o zoom mais longe é equivalente a 1000, então o script pera esse numero que está gravado no executavel do jogo e altera para 1200, agora ele foi alem e então está mais longe. As skins são roupas que ja estão dentro do cliente do jogo, você comprando ou não, elas ja estão la, definidas que existem dentro do jogo, só esperando você comprar, é quase a mesma ideia do zoom, digamos que uma skin comum da Ashe seja o numero 1 e a segunda skin dela, paga, seria o numero 2, então o script vai la e altera esse numero na memoria do jogo, fazendo com que para você apareça o 2. Porém, isso é mostrado somente para você, a rasão é porque para que outro jogador saiba que você tem outra skin aquela informação tem que enviada pelo servidor até chegar no jogo do outro jogador, mas você não tem aquela skin, então o numero enviado seria o 1. Script lol:
Ciro Script
22 de jun. de 2022
In Tutoriais Cheats
How to Load and Update Items from a File While Playing Updated 01/10/2024 1° Save the Files in the Correct Directory with the Correct Filenames • Custom Filter File: The filename is now randomly generated. The loader will display the exact path and filename where you need to save it. Make sure to check the loader for this information. • Base Item Data File: This file must be named load.txt and saved in the same directory as specified by the loader. 2° Follow the Standard Format for the Filter File The filter file must adhere to a specific format to function correctly. An incorrect format may lead to errors. Example Entries: 5c1d0efb86f7744baf2e7b7b|Lab. Red keycard|0xffED9564 5c1d0c5f86f7744bb2683cf0|Lab. Blue keycard|0xffED9564 Note: Avoid using special characters like !@#$%¨*** Format Explanation: • 5c1d0efb86f7744baf2e7b7b is the Item ID in-game. • Lab. Red keycard is a custom name you can choose. • 0xffED9564 is the color code in hexadecimal for ESP. Format Structure: ItemID|Custom Name|Color in Hex Ensure you use the delimiter | to separate the ID, name, and color. 3° Obtaining Item IDs You can get the Item IDs from the following website: • Item ID Search: 4° Getting Hexadecimal Color Codes Use this website to find color codes: Color Picker: Search for any color you prefer, copy the hexadecimal code, and include it in your filter file. Now you can search for any item you want on the website, copy the Item ID, and save it to the file. You can also share your configuration with other users. Have fun! 🙂 New Default Filter Item Based on Price/Rarity Where to Put These Files? Save the files in the directory specified by the loader. The loader will display the exact path and filenames. • Base Item Data File: Must be named load.txt and saved in the directory shown by the loader. • Custom Filter File: Has a random filename; save it in the path and with the filename provided by the loader. Download Links for ‘load.txt’: • English ‘load.txt’: • Russian ‘load.txt’: Creating Your Personal Filter File: • Edit your filter file using the format provided in step 2. • Save it using the random filename and path specified by the loader. Example: Note: For the item filter to work correctly, the load.txt file must also be in the correct folder as specified by the loader.
[ EFT Shack ] Custom item list content media
Ciro Script
08 de jun. de 2022
In League of Legends
Buy / Comprar BGX SCRIPT: Others / Outros : 1- Crie seu login no forum BGX, e faça o download do launch pelo site oficial 3- No launch vá até a configuração e coloque sua chave, ela só será ativada uma vez, após isso você pode conferir o tempo ativado em "overview" 4- Em league path (dentro do launch bgx) coloque a pasta que está localizado seu jogo, exemplo: ( C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\Game\League of Legends.exe) 5- No launcher do jogo (depois do login) entre em configurações -> jogo, e MARQUE a caixa 'DX9' (directx 9) 6- Ele checa se o jogo está aberto a cada 5 segundos, é um auto injetor, por tanto basta iniciar uma partida de teste e verificar se tudo ocorreu bem. 7- Para carregar um script especifico de algum campeão é necessário abrir o menu e ir em Core -> Plugins -> Champion Plugins, escolha uma opção e clique em "--- load ----" 8- No forum oficial você encontrará sub foruns para sua lingua Teclas de atalho padrão: Shift = Menu Space = Combo X = last hit V = Lane clear Para carregar os plugins é só ir no core dentro do menu (shift), clicar nas opções disponiveis, marca-las e depois clicar no --------load----------- que tem logo abaixo
Ciro Script
01 de jun. de 2022
In Tutoriais Cheats
How to play Fullscreen/Способ игры с читом не в окне we inject according to the instructions, starting the game in full screen Click Win+ H and play ( to show the menu, press Win+ H ) We remind you that you must understand what you are doing when playing with the software !!! You purchase and use the software at your own risk. The Undetected status does not guarantee 100% protection against blocking (with any cheat in any game, a ban is possible). If the update is in the game, wait for the software update. By purchasing this software, you agree with the rule that in case of a defect or complete closure of the project, you will not receive a refund! By purchasing this software, you agree to the rule that if you block the game account, you will not receive a refund! This software uses unique identifiers of your " hardware" 1 account =1 PC ( Example: when you first start the program, your account is linked to the current PC, further use of the same account on another PC is not possible) if you do use a spuffer.. first log in to the launcher, and then launch the spoofer( you need to restart your PC before that) If you are using a spoofer, disable it and restart the computer Error "Hardware component has changed" SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Supported processors: Intel, AMD Supported OS: Windows 10- 11 x64 Supported builds: 1903(18362), 1909(18363), 2004(19041), 20H2 (19042), 21H1(19043), 21H2(19044), 21H2 build 22000, 22494 ** How to find it ... Press the key combination Win + R, insert the WINVER command into the field, and press Ok. Additional Information: Project type: External Game mode: Windowed* Scale in the system and in the game : 100% Аspect ratio: Auto Available in modes: Battle Royale / Multiplayer game | Warzone and Modern Warfare Support for invisibility on videos or screenshots, screen demonstrations: Yes For the software to work correctly, you need to install and remove a number of programs
Crooked Tutorials content media
Ciro Script
01 de jun. de 2022
In Tutoriais Cheats
Updated 13/06/2024 This is our "public" access version of our [PLUS] aimbot for valorant, it has its own drivers. Requeriments Windows 10 pro (All win versions 10 / 11) Windows PRO (10) (DOWNLOAD WIN 10) Defender [DISABLE] Character color [PURPLE] <------------- NÃO SE ESQUEÇA DE COLOCAR O INIMIGO ROXO Game windows [Bordless] The Config.ini file is automatically generated after the default login to local paste Features and Keys Enable_target(AIMBOT) Target_purview(FOV (5 - 300)) Target_sensitive(YOUR GAME SENSI (MAX = 2.00)) Target_smooth(SMOOTH FOR AIMBOT (MAX = 0.50)) HitboxX(AIMBOT HITBOX X (-5 / 5)) HitboxY(AIMBOT HITBOX Y (-5 / 5)) Enable_purpl(ANTI - ASTRA) Enable_controler(RCS) InitialDelayControler(RCS - DELAY INITIALIZE (0 - 500)) Controler_max(RCS - MAX MOUSE DOWN (1 - 100)) Controler_speed(RCS - SPEED MOVE DOWN (1 - 3)) Enable_doublebind(USE 2 BINDS FOR AIMBOT) Bind_1( < Microsoft List > ) Bind_2( < Microsoft List > ) FOR CONFIGURE MOUSE KEYS Example keys 1 = LCLICK 2 = RCLICK 6 = MB4 5 = MB5 164 = ALT 162 = CTRL 16 = ALT Search others keys < Microsoft List > FOR ACTIVE FUNCTIONS [True / False] FOR CONFIGURE FUNCTIONS [Sensitive = 0.60] FOR CONFIGURE HITBOX [0 Head / 1 Neck / 2 Body] Menu keys Use END when you want to close console the program. Steps to use 1 Download the files on your pc after you have already looked and performed the necessary file steps and requeriments below. 2 Password to extract: 123 3 Open the program, login using your deatils 4 After logging in the configuration file open automatic 5 Go to valorant the range, open Config.ini and put your configs 6 Whenever you modify something in the config you need to save the file (CTRL + S) 7 END when you want to close the program. Session login After logging in you will have a 5 hour session which is the maximum time you can stay within the program, if you go beyond that it will disconnect you but don't worry just log in again :) For bluescreen errors Delete everything from the program, restart your PC and download again. Graphical configuration for better performance Use this for aimbot to work perfectly For win 11 users Use google and search: Turn off Core isolation and the turn off Vulnerable driver block list Close after login After some tests we discovered that users who use passwords with special characters such as: "!@#$%¨&*() may have conflicts with our encryption systems which will cause the program to close as soon as you try to log in, which What you can do to solve this is very simple, go to the Robot website and change your password, in the case of resellers, look for their customers and change their password without using special characters For RB errors or Failed initialize driver Do not run the program on USB sticks, it is recommended to run it on disk C or DESKTOP Restart your computer and ensure your anti virus is completely disabled. If the problem persists, you may be using an unsupported version of Windows Sometimes it may be necessary to disable all protections and if you have win update you must turn off automatic updates, in addition to the win security update may generate conflicts, if you have this update you will need to uninstall If you play CS2 FACEIT you need to uninstall FACEIT because it blocks our driver. Drivers c++ Directx and Dlls
xBOT Valorant content media
Ciro Script
16 de mar. de 2022
In Tutoriais Cheats
ISO 100% Windows 10: 1. Cheat failed to inject? This means that our Hypervisor was unable to load (virtualization). Often caused by an unknown third party Hypervisor running on the system (e.g. Avast Antivirus etc.). Proposed solution: Ask the user to uninstall any antivirus software completely from their system. Guide: Following these steps should have you 100% setup for loader. 1. Disable Hyper-V Disable Hyper-V by running command prompt as admin: bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off 2. Bios Settings Get into BIOS. Enable Intel Virtualization. Disable Secure boot. If you have problem finding the Virtualization OR the secure boot, find your user manual of your specific Motherboard. If SecureBoot is grey and you can't disable it, try clearing the keys. 3. Windows Defender Disable Windows Defender AND Windows Firewall 100% Make sure you also disable all of the exploit protection! 4. Antivirus Uninstall EVERY anti-virus you have. (Disabling them is not enough) (Do this for your own AV programs) 5. Task Manager Go to task manager menu where it says "Startup" and make sure all applications are marked "disabled" 6. Overlays Disable EVERY OVERLAY POSSIBLE! (Origin, Uplays, Steam, WindowsGameBar, Etc.) 8. Disable UAC Requirements: - GPT partitions for disks. - Intel Virtualisation ENABLED - Secure Boot Disabled Loading process if everything goes well - Use NG loader, enter your key. It will install the requirements and tell you to restart PC. - Restart your PC - Run loader a second time after the Restart. - Menu will pop up to inject cheat - Inject and have fun Note: your pc will stay injected until you restart pc, to check if your pc spoofed correctly, run this command in admin CMD before and after first loader run “wmic diskdrive get serialnumber”. Most disks should be spoofed since our last update ^^ ! MBR TO GPT (only if you need this... search google how to see) When you run the Loader and it tells you your disk is not GPT formatted you can press Yes to try and let the Loader fix it for you. In the case this failed, follow the steps below! 1) Option 1: Our loader will ask to your users if they want US to change it at their own risk ! If our loader wasnt sucessfull in changing it - If you get the following message: Run any of the commands below (in italic) in an elevated/admin Command Prompt. 1. System partition is not active. diskpart list disk select disk # (replace # with the disk your OS is installed) list partition select partition # (replace # with number of system partition, not system reserved!) detail partition active (this will mark the partition as active) 2. EFI boot data is not where it is supposed to be bcdboot c:\Windows /f bios /s c: Option #2 in case #1 didn't work. It only takes three steps to easily convert an MBR disk to GPT disk with EaseUS Partition Master Free. Read on and convert to GPT with this converter. Download: Step 1. Download and launch EaseUS Partition Master on your Windows computer. Step 2. Right-click the MBR disk that you want to convert and choose "Convert to GPT". convert MBR to GPT - 1 Step 3. After that, find and click the "Execute 1 Operation" button on the toolbar and choose "Apply" to start the conversion. You need to restart your device to enable this change. Fix error1 & error2 All commands below have to be executed in an elevated (admin) Command Prompt (not Powershel!). 1. First you have to find the disk number containing the Windows OS diskpart list disk select disk X (where X is the Disk number) 2. Then you have to shrink one of the partitions in here by 100MB list partition select partition X (choose preferred partition) shrink desired=100 3. Now create the EFI partition create partition efi size=100 format quick fs=fat32 assign letter=S exit 4. Now move all EFI bootfiles to this new partition mkdir S:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot cd S:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot xcopy /s C:\Windows\Boot\EFI\*.* . 5. Create a new BCD store to point the Windows EFI bootloader bcdedit /createstore BCD bcdedit /store BCD /create {bootmgr} /d "Windows Boot Manager" bcdedit /store BCD /create /d "Windows 10" /application osloader -> returns {your_guid} (replace all commands which contain {your_guid} with this value) bcdedit /store BCD /set {bootmgr} default {your_guid} bcdedit /store BCD /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi bcdedit /store BCD /set {bootmgr} displayorder {default} bcdedit /store BCD /set {default} device partition=c: bcdedit /store BCD /set {default} osdevice partition=c: bcdedit /store BCD /set {default} path \Windows\System32\winload.efi bcdedit /store BCD /set {default} systemroot \Windows bcdedit /store BCD /set {default} hypervisorlaunchtype auto bcdedit /import BCD exit 6. restart PC bcdedit /import BCD Rust Ban Guide: After every Rust ban, make sure to do the following: 1) Delete the following folder - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata - It is used to ban you ! 2) Delete the following folder - C:\Windows.old 3) Delete the following FILE - C:\Windows\System32\restore\MachineGuid.txt IF YOU CANNOT DELETE IT, READ THIS 4) Use a VPN to change IP. 5) Restart PC and spoof again. If a ban happens under 1 hour or less, do not spam us, its HWID related ! Please share it, make an announcement in your discord ! Need to be done after ANY ban. Create a channel only VIPs have access. Ty ! EFT Trace: How to format for next gen When creating a Windows 10 bootable USB to reformat the OS. Make sure you use the following Rufus settings (these should be set by default in Rufus): Imagem Once they are inserting the USB in their PC to start the reformat, they have to make sure their BIOS Boot-Mode is set to UEFI only (CSM disabled). Loader erro codes Issue: Had a customer who came to a blackscreen after the loader restarted his PC Solution: it had changed his output to his integrated graphics. All that was needed was for him to switch his HDMI from his graphics card to his integrated and then setup his graphics card to be the main output in bios. If you encounter the freezing problem of the customer's computer, ❶ please check whether AHCI is enabled in the BIOS. You need to ensure that AHCI is enabled. ❷ check whether there are two CPUs and only one CPU can be used. If there is no problem, reinstall winows to solve the problem 100% If an user experiences any issues, let them run msconfig and then do the following (make sure to check "Hide all Microsoft services"!) If after doing MSconfig, it did not fix the issue. Here is some other step to look into - 0) Make sure all overlays are disabled ! TY 1) Increase pagin file - 2) Disable windows 10 SuperFetch - Type "services.msc" in search bar - Look for SuperFetch - Right click on it, then look for "properties" - Disable it and Stop the current process. Click Apply. 3) Unistall useless drivers (MSI, Razer synapse, Logitech, etc) - Those are not essential for your PC to work properly. 4) Unistall Anti-Virus if you only disabled them 5) Last step if nothing is working, Clean format using Diskpart. Disable windows update + automatic updates for other softwares.
Ring Products Guide content media
Ciro Script
24 de fev. de 2022
In Tutoriais Cheats
1 - Open Loader first and insert your key! 2- Install dependencies 3 - If Hyper-V is Enabled and Status "Working", you can click "Start Cheat". If Hyper-V is Disabled click "Install Dependencies" and restart computer when it asks you to. Make sure your "Virtualization is ENABLED", otherwise it will ask you to restart computer more than once. If your Virtualization is ENABLED and you keep getting asked to restart, please download this >Hyper-V.bat File< and open as admin. If you have anymore errors, or malfunctioning download this >AIO Runtimes 2.5< and run it. Modes: 1- Aimbot only (Flicks) 2- Aim assist (Aim follows the enemy, when smoothing is higher, it goes faster) 3- Both above (Aim follows the enemy and flicks) nobody notices (but it's very strong) 4 - Choose your sensitivity (same as in game). 5 - Choose Smoothing (Recommended between 0.100 and 0.150). (THE HIGHER, THE RAGER) 6 - Choose your FOV (Recommended between 40~70). 7 - Choose Bone (Head, Neck or Chest) (Recommended Sniper Chest if you wanna play with Sniper). 8 - Enemy highlight color must be the same as in Menu (Purple or Yellow) 9 - Scoped Sensitivity Multiplier must be 0.75 to play with Snipers! 10 - Open game after "Start Cheat"! Video
Evo Valorant content media
Ciro Script
11 de fev. de 2022
In Tutoriais Cheats
For rust/apex inject before launching game If error memory #65 -> restart pc Initialization stage can take a long time, perhaps up to 10 minutes. If stuck on setting or loading try this: his is a temporary fix (it will not happen in the future) revert KB5011487 and KB4023057 updates
Ciro Script
01 de fev. de 2022
In Tutoriais Cheats
Video tutorial for brazillians: IF THE SECURE BOOT IS OFFLINE, BUT STILL ERROR ON LOADER APPEARING, DO THIS 1. Press keyboard 'Windows + R' 2. Write 'regedit' and press enter 3. Go to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecureBoot\State] 4. If don't existe that folder, created it 5. Create a REG_DWORD (32bit) with name 'UEFISecureBootEnabled' 6. Write 0 on the value 7. Done Loader issue fix 1. Uninstall all Visual C++ from your control panel 2. Download and install AIO RUNTIME -> Download 3. Download and install Visual C++ 2022 x64 and x86 -> Download 4. Turn off UAC in Change User Account Control Settings * Windows search | Type: UAC 5. Turn off Windows Defender, Firewall, Smart Screen and Exploit Protection from Windows Security. * Exploits 1/2: [Image preview]( * Exploits 2/2: [Image preview]( * Downlaod [Sordum dControl]( | Pass: sordum 6. Turn off Secure Boot, CSM, Fast Boot and TPM in your bios cfg 7. Turn off HyperV and VirtualMachine here: [Image preview]( 8. Turn on Unicode UTF-8 in Region CFG: Chinese/Japanese/Korean only [Image preview]( Restart your computer and try open the loader again. TURNING OFF EXPLOIT PROTECTIONS VIA POWERSHELL (WORKS IN MODDED WINDOWS) 1. put this config in C:\ DOWNLOAD SETTINGS.XML 2. run powershell as administrator, and type: 3. Set-ProcessMitigation -PolicyFilePath C:\Settings.xml AFTER EXECUTING OR SETTING THOSE SETTINGS, PLEASE RESTART THE COMPUTER Possible FIX to BSOD Open cmd as admin and type: sfc /scannow Later: dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth Restart your machine and retry. If persist, reinstall your windows.
Ciro Script
15 de dez. de 2021
In Valorant
VALO AIMBOT INSTALLATION You have to disable defender, antivirus, anticheat, bank app, secure boot In bios, enable virtualization You should set the screen scale to %100. Install AIO runtime and Download the BOT [ Note: link on private ] Extract the file to desktop [ Rar password: 123 ] Run exe and click the "START BOT" button. Wait for it to load Restart PC Run exe Click ''BOT SETTINGS'' button and check options on loader Click ''START BOT'' button and put your key on loader Enter Valo in game and try IMPORTANT: You must choose ValoSettings > General > Enemy Highlight Color > Purple [Tritanopia] Mouse freeze: Go to bios and enable virtualization The sensitivity setting in 'BOT SETTINGS' should be the same as your sensitivity setting in the game Your destkop resolution must be same on your game resolution. You must be press once time any aim mod hotkeys for activate aimbot like a F2 If it still doesn't work, try borderless(windowed-fullscreen) mode in the game's graphics settings Don't use purple(magenta) crosshair BOT SETTINGS: F1 Mode [in game] = Flick Mode(So obviously not recommended) F2 Pro Spray Mode [in game] = When the left mouse button is pressed, the mouse locks to the enemy (recommend mod) F3 Chest mode like a aimbot select target offset body better with awp F4 Only Aim asist mode(no have flick) F9 Panic KEY , long beep means close bot short beep sound means activated bot Numpad + Button [in game]= FOV up min=20max=55 (increases by +5 value with each press) Numpad - Button [in game]= FOV up min=20max=55 (decreases by -5 value with each press) Sen= Mouse Sensitivity [Write to here your mouse sensitivity in game] Recommended settings F2 Mode , 30 or lower FOV, Smooth Basic > Legit, And bone offset 2 VALO AIMBOT FEATURES: Fully UNDETECT Supports AMD/INTEL Supports Windows 10 - Windows 11 (ALL Version) Flick Aimbot and Pro Spyray MODE No recoil Smoothing FOV selection Config system Stream proof Automatically update system
Ciro Script
08 de dez. de 2021
In Valorant
BR: No inicio a riot não conseguia pegar esse spoofer, usei muito e sempre funcionou. Inclusive no meu relato do shack Valorant eu falo que usei ele, e realmente usei. Porém hoje (08/12/2021) percebo que o suporte do woofer caiu bastante, e vejo que não é todas as pessoas que conseguem sucesso. Em breve testarei de novo, mas no momento eu diria que é 60% de chance de funcionar.. lembre-se só funciona nas placas askrock/asus/msi/gigabyte ENG: In the beginning riot couldn't get this spoofer, I used it a lot and it always worked. Even in my account of the Valorant shack I say that I used it, and I really did. But today (08/12/2021) I realize that woofer support has dropped a lot, and I see that not all people succeed. I'll test it again soon, but for now I'd say it's a 60% chance of working... remember it only works on askrock/asus/msi/gigabyte cards
Ciro Script
08 de dez. de 2021
In Valorant
BR: Todo produto que é vendido lifetime eu ja começo minhas duvidas por ai, então fiquem cientes disso também, o enduty ja alterou o nome algumas vezes e ja lançou versoes diferentes "enduty v1 / enduty v2". Embora isso seja ruim, o cheat é muito facil de usar, dificilmente tem algo que implica com a maquina do cliente. Porém, na maioria das vezes a detecção é rapida. ENG: Every product that is sold lifetime I already start my doubts out there, so be aware of that too, enduty has changed the name a few times and has already released different versions "enduty v1 / enduty v2". Although this is bad, the cheat is very easy to use, it hardly has anything to do with the client's machine. However, most of the time detection is quick.

Ciro Script

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